Anyone can be the president! /?:
“Is that a question or a statement?”
Samuel Friedman
Since the beginning of human existence, abortion has been one of the most controversial subjects. There has always been controversy involving the subject. There are passionate people with beliefs that are either wrong or right depending what side of the argument you are on. This is a subject were you can have no middle ground. To put it frankly, you have two options, either you keep your pregnancy or you terminate him or her. This subject lends itself for propaganda attacks by both sides. Some of the most intense commercials on television are about abortion. Abortion is such a controversial subject that there are groups out there who have blown up abortion clinics and murdered doctors who have performed abortions on women. There also are websites where you can get the home addresses of abortion doctors to terrorize them and their family I have decided to go for an anti-abortion stance and to make a commercial that uses various tropes and scheme to get my anti-abortion message out. I am going to use fear tactics to get my message across. I think this is the most effective way of controlling people. The only way some people listen is to scare them to death. I plan on playing on people’s belief that in America, anyone can be President of the United States. This is an example of Circular reasoning and Secundium quid. I am stating that if you are born or if you don’t have an abortion, that your children will become president. We all know that not everyone born will be president. This is simply an example of a hasty generalization. The mere fact is not every child who is born will become president or even have the shot to do so here in the United States. Bifurcation is another tool I will use to present my commercial. I will give people a “black or white” option. You are either a “Murderer” or “Mother of a future leader of America.” This is one of the most effective tools in my message.
My commercial will be an anti-abortion commercial with a presidential theme. I plan on using a black background with Images of with the Presidents’ mother and I will even have the three candidates’ mothers that are trying to take the nomination for President of the United States in November in my Commercial. The announcer in the commercial is the key to the effectiveness of the commercial. My ideal candidate to be the narrator of my commercial would be Morgan Freeman or someone with his kind of voice. A voice that is deep and authoritative. I want a voice that people will receive as a trustworthy person. This is how I see the commercial going: The commercial starts out with a black screen, than the words appear and Morgan reads:
“Will your Child be the next one?”
“Will your Child be the next one?”
“Will you give your child the greatest gift that a mother can give a child?”
Then I will have this picture will fade in after that:
As the picture is displayed Morgan would say, “Her Son made her proud by being the one. He is only repaying the greatest gift his mother could give him” Fade to black
Than fade in this picture:
“She had dreams of her Son doing things that no other African American has done and all he is doing is repaying the greatest gift his mother could give him” fade to black
Than this picture would appear
Morgan would State “She has dreams of her daughter achieving what no other Woman in history has done and all her daughter is doing is repaying the greatest gift a mother can give” Fade to black
Than these words would appear on the screen, while Morgan Read it:
Will yours be the next one?
What dreams do you have for your child?
Fade to black and then this would be the final shot. Morgan would read these final statements:
What is the greatest gift?
Choosing Life over Murder.
Stop Abortion
Every Kid deserves a shot to become president
Hopefully, your child can repay the greatest gift a mother can give a child!
When I first started this project, I thought it would be fun to do and I was right. I kind of always wanted to do a Commercial with such a serious tone. I was flowing with it until the sentence
“This is a subject were you can have no middle ground. To put it frankly, you have two options, either you keep your pregnancy or you terminate him or her.”
When I first wrote the sentence I said “you terminate it” This actually brought emotion out of me. I actually was disappointed in myself for referring to a human being as “it” I don’t know what my view on abortion is. I don’t know if you should have the right to choose, but since I have never been put in a situation where I was forced to choose to abort a child or not to abort a child, I don’t know what I would do. Ideally I would like to think I would choose life, but I don’t know. It must be very difficult for people to present this message either way. I did not feel the full affect of my commercial until I read it in it’s entirely and now I am even kind of scared not to give my perspective child a chance. I find that using fear tactics, while integrating the various tropes and schemes are very effective way in getting your messages across and for your message to be effective to your audience.
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